Health​ KH


Saturday, February 29, 2020

February 29, 2020

La razón del “Hilo Rojo” del destino”, nadie podía creerlo

Existe una vieja leyenda oriental que cuenta sobre el Hilo Rojo del Destino, el cual sirve para unir a las personas que están destinadas a estar juntas para siempre. Entonces ¿Tú crees en el destino? ¿Crees en la teoría de que todo en este mundo está conectado? Como vemos en el vídeo. Esta leyenda surge cuando se descubre que la arteria ulnar conecta el corazón con el dedo meñique. Al estar unidos por esa arteria, se comenzó a decir que los hilos rojos del destino unían los meñiques con los corazones; es decir, simbolizaban el interés compartido y la unión de los sentimientos. Una de las caras de este mito cuenta que un anciano, habitante de la Luna, sale cada noche y busca almas que están predestinadas a unirse en la Tierra. Cuando las encuentra, las ata con un hilito rojo invisible para que no se pierda.

Este hilo lleva contigo desde tu nacimiento y te acompañará, tensado en mayor o menor medida, más o menos enredado, a lo largo de toda tu vida. Así es que, el Abuelo de la Luna, cada noche sale a conocer a los recién nacidos y a atarles un hilo rojo a su dedo, un hilo que decidirá su futuro, un hilo que guiará estas almas para que nunca se pierdan. Como este hilo rojo, además de ser invisible al ojo humano, es resistente, capaz de soportar cualquier distancia, giro, nudo o lo que sea, es un lazo que ningún obstáculo podrá romper y que mantendrá a esas 2 personas siempre unidas.
Todas tenemos a ese amor al que jamás podremos olvidar. A ése al que siempre volveremos y amaremos con el alma. Pase lo que pase, la vida siempre los volverá a juntar, pero ahora sabemos viendo el video del por qué ese hilo rojo del destino que a todos nos preguntan o nos preguntamos de porque rige nuestro destino pero ya es cuestión de verlo de la misma manera como lo podemos tener ya que puede ser verdad como tambien una simple creencia pero mejor veamos el vídeo.
¿Tienes un amor que no puedes olvidar? Entérate en el vídeo la historia completa de esta leyenda, míralo en el siguiente

Friday, February 28, 2020

February 28, 2020

5 Formas Básicas De Encontrar Al Amor De Tu Vida

Has pasado por épocas en las que te ha encantado estar soltero y otras en las que lo has odiado. Momentos en los que has deseado tener a alguien a quien arropar y otros en los que te encantaba la soledad de tu cama.

1. No siempre es verdad que el amor llega cuando menos lo buscas

Eso es como decir “encontrarás un trabajo cuando menos lo busques”. La mayoría de gente que está esperando a que un trabajo le venga por arte de magia son las que precisamente no lo tienen. Este pensamiento es solamente una excusa para alimentar tu miedo y dejarte llevar.
Claro que a veces encuentra al amor de tu vida cuando menos lo buscas, pero esperar a que eso pase no es buena estrategia. Esfuérzate en encontrar a alguien, no te impacientes pero tampoco dejes todo en manos del destino.

2. Ve donde haya gente que le guste las mismas cosas que a ti

Puedes saltarte las fiestas de solteros si no te gustan, pero debes acudir a los eventos y sitios donde puedas conocer a gente. Únete a grupos o encuentros sociales.
Hazte voluntario en alguna causa en la que crees. Involúcrate en partidos políticos. Por lo menos estás haciendo algo que te gusta y en el mejor de los casos puedes encontrar a alguien afín a tus intereses. 

4. Las personas felices atraen. Sé una persona positiva

Quizá el problema por el que no puedes encontrar al amor de tu vida es que no te sientes bien contigo mismo. Es como la vida que tienes y la que te gustaría tener. Tienes que esforzarte en ser la clase de persona que te gustaría conocer. 
Si no eres una persona positiva y segura de sí misma no estarás en la condición adecuada para conocer el tipo correcto de persona. Ve a un psicólogo si tienes problemas depresivos, crea una rutina de ejercicios y crea hábitos para comer bien. Si eres tímido desarrolla habilidades para superar tu inseguridad.
No eres un producto acabado. Siempre puedes mejorar y crecer. Con el amor pasa lo mismo: tienes que entrenarte para ser la clase de pareja que aspiras ser.

5. Tómate tiempo para estar solo

Si has tenido malas experiencias pasadas es importante que te tomes un tiempo para estar solo. Sólo podrás encontrar a la persona correcta si te dedicas tiempo a sanar, estar a solas para averiguar quién eres de nuevo, reflexionar sobre lo que salió mal. Así no repetirás los mismos errores una y otra vez.
Sea cual sea tu estilo está bien, pero debes ser consciente de tus propias necesidades y poder comunicarlo así a tu futura pareja. Podréis mejorar y crecer juntos si ambos sabéis lo que el otro necesita.

Monday, May 27, 2019

May 27, 2019

Lifestyle That A Specialist Advised You Not To Get Cancer

PHNOM PENH: Dr. Eav Sokhak, Calmette Hospital's Head of Cancer and Disease, told Star News magazine that as a teacher Cancer treating doctor Dr. Phan has suggested to our compatriots two aspects related to cancer:

1) Vision 1: You do not have cancer: Ask our brothers to remember the basic principles of health that are popular and educate people We, by the Ministry of Health, but our brothers do not pay attention because it is too simple. That is the Ministry of Health, as well as the national policy, is "to eat, drink, clean and live clean."

The word "good" is meaningful in terms of medical significance. Clean food does not mean that a newly purchased plate and spoon from a mall or silver plate is a pretty " Is a high level of hygiene. " For example, the seller selling the cake, not the baggage, is not clean, but the dishwasher and the veil are dirty, or dirty, Angry, not criticized, that's the impact of people's health. The point is to sliced ​​the spoons or washed well with soap and sunshine and covered properly, not gliding on the sidewalk. And let the dirt enter.

"Clean food" means balance. In Cambodia, people have more than enough time to eat without consuming their food. Eat how to balance the energy emitted. Eat too much fat.
"Drinking" is pure water or pure water. Some rural people drink some palm juice, and some even drink beer or wine, not drink good and delicious. No, it is killing himself.
"Clean living" The surrounding environment must be clean and hygienic. Do not let long nails, and in the nails, black soil will catch food for us to eat. Eat what to wash your hands.
"Clean, clean, clean, clean living" reduces the death rate of our people from 50 to 70 percent.

2- Cancer Patients: You're sick, let's change the way I think based on scientific study. Some unreasonable things are "self-cure".
Some examples are that drinking tea leaves, picking up roses, drinking roses, oranges, drinking cats, or drinking the stems is cancer. Each one is said to have been drinking, and many have come or some believe Facebook advertising. The investigators found no antidiarrheal treatments, "but they were slightly poisonous. Drink a day okay, but some drink 3 months, 5 months, or some to drink 10 years, lead to bone marrow, alcohol disappear Crabs are damaged.
Finally, he reaches a critical state of major organ damage, he then arrives at the hospital to help him with organ damage. No one can help change it, so it's deadly. "
Some buy medicines on their own and make a diagnosis by themselves. For example, some of our brothers bow their feet with bleeding. There are many kinds of bleeding, but some of us in Cambodia will diagnose the condition of Hemorrhoids. And he is going to buy medicine for roots, or to buy medicines for coconut oil, to plant drinking.
But do not forget that blood thinning is associated with many types of diseases, such as heart disease, soybean cancer (non Cancer) in the rectum or inflammation of the pancreas, pancreas ... These all want to prove that each disease is Different treatments.
Sometimes the bleeding is the second stage of cancer of the lumbar spine, which can be treated by 70 doctors. A percentage or 80 percent, except when the tumor grows over the scalp, the fever is no longer dry, and the vagina begins to cure, then the fourth phase is treated. Once born.
Wrong advice: Relatives or friends suggest suggesting this or that by seeing others suggest drinking water, roots, or wood. This tree or tree turned into a killer. The heart wanted to help the sick, but it was murder. Do not be a doctor.
Suggestion that if there is little illness, go to the hospital to find a medical condition early in life so there is no chance of treatment. To heal, and to run low, to risk life.
Some of you cancer get cancer of the throat, uninjured cancer, liver, kid, he is toxic He died of malformations in medical rape. Asked to find out that his neighbors had many doctors.
This article is provided by AIA Life Insurance

Friday, May 24, 2019

May 24, 2019

Liver Cancer, Which Grows From The Liver, Is Life-Threatening?

Phnom Penh: One of the most serious diseases in Cambodia that has killed and killed most Cambodian men is Liver cancer, which experts recommend to increase high precautions, especially to eat, clean and drink.

Dr. Eav Sokha, head of cancer and cancer at Calmette Hospital, said there are two types of liver cancer:
The first is liver cancer that grows out of the liver, which is life-threatening for 100% of patients, which means the treatment may be delayed. Only life. For patients who have been diagnosed with liver cancer due to liver growth, life-prolonging therapy for 10 months Only 1 year.Second, 
liver cancer develops from gallstones in the liver.

Dr. Eav Sokha said that for patients who have been diagnosed with liver cancer from gallstones In liver, treatment can be 30%. At this point, if 100 patients can heal 30, no 70 heal.
However, specialists can treat liver cancer patients from the gallstones in the liver for life-prolonging treatment. Living from 2 years to 3 years.

However, eating correctly is helping reduce the risk of developing cancer, according to Dr. Eav Sokha. Clean, clean, and clean drink Khmer people always say "love yourself."
This article is provided by AIA Life Insurance

May 24, 2019

Guidelines For Using Paracetamol

Do you know what paracetamol is?
Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is a painkiller and aromatherapy that is Commonly used to treat problems such as headache, muscle pain, backache, throat, colds, and fever in people of all ages.

How does paracetamol work? 
What You Should Know Before Using Paracetamol!Paracetamol contains many forms and brands available in pharmacies. Some specific forms are only available for some patients. For example, the syringe form and the sulfate profile are used for small children, while the pill is used as General for adults - adolescents and adults.
Do not use paracetamol above the level recommended by your doctor. Excessive paracetamol may cause serious complications, especially liver function.
3 - If you drink alcoholic beverages, often reduce the amount of paracetamol you use and remember Ask your doctor or pharmacist before taking paracetamol.

How much Paracetamol levels should I use?
Paracetamol levels, which should be used to relieve pain and hypothermia, range from 325 to 650 mg every 4 to 6 hours. Paracetamol levels in children are 15 mg per kg of their body weight. If they weigh 20 kilograms, the maximum dose should be 300 mg once.
The maximum use of paracetamol in adults is 4000 mg per day. If you drink alcohol daily or frequently, you should not use paracetamol over 2,000 milligrams per day. That day. Use a syphilis form of syrup or anal slimming form in children.
Stop taking Paracetamol and consult your doctor if:
1. Heat does not drop after 3 days
2. The pain does not subside after 7 days (5 days for the child)
Acupuncture continued to occur in red or swollen skin
4- Symptoms become more severe or have new symptoms.
What should I do when taking paracetamol?
You should seek immediate treatment if you take excessive paracetamol. Signs of overdose paracetamol include lack of appetite, sore throat, sweating, confusion, and fatigue. Lethargic. Symptoms of the use of paracetamol over the last stages of the body such as urine, upsurging, yellowing of the skin And eyelid.
For more information about the use of paracetamol paracetamol go and follow our Facebook here This . By cooperating
May 24, 2019

The Five Things You Should Do To Avoid Scars

1- Do not be light day: Our injuries are vulnerable to sun exposure because UV can block the production of new collagen products. Rule is rarely. So try to avoid scratches against sunlight and apply sunscreen when you go out to cut off the sun. Decrease the markings to make them less black.

2- Massage on spot: Massage regular scalp with vitamin E will help reduce the appearance of scars.

3- Be patient:
Treatment for scarring may take 2-3 months to 2-3 years, depending on the cause of the scar and the size of it. No matter how good you maintain, some shards may not go away. Do try to adhere to your routine cure, with painkillers often and with patience.
4. Keeping moisture:
Moisturizing the skin with painted scallops or gel will help accelerate scars as soon as possible. Keram is a natural remedy for the healing of the human body. It protects the wound, and when the wound is moist, it can not help the wound quickly.

5. Manage your anger: 

According to a study from the Ohio State University, 100 volunteers were given the same blisters on their forearms Of them. Volunteers were found to spend more time treating longer-term volunteers. Be patient and patient. This confirms that non-temperament and patience can be treated more quickly and we think this is a good advice for You.

Do you understand what new knowledge is? Click here to go to our Facebook and find out more about treatment of scars and acne. By co-operation

May 24, 2019

The Six Major Beliefs Relate To The Wounds We Have Been Having In The Past

Phnom Penh: Knees and knees are the most common wounds daily. Surprisingly, very few people know very well about proper wound healing, which often leads to replication. Viruses and other complications. Believing in the believer, maintaining some invalid injury, can make the situation worse.

Have you ever wondered if your knowledge about healing your wounds is incorrect? Read on to learn more about proper treatments to relieve pain and avoid getting infected. Your recovery has improved.

Myth 1: Alcohol is the best way to cleanse your wound. Alcohol is a good anti-virus and is commonly used to kill bacteria in the wound. However, alcohol can irritate your skin and damage tissue that can cause the condition. Severe wounds. To help keep your cells quick, you should choose a product that contains inhalant.

Myth 2: Widespread wound is a sign of wound healing. Often we are told that the wound on our wound is a sign of healing of the wound. . In fact, it is just a dry fluid that can affect the healing of our wounds. The wound absorbs moisture and makes it more susceptible to the infection. Do not crush your kerosene, you should keep moisture on your wound with oil paint to Ensure the moisture content for new cells grows without scars.
Myth 3: Itching wound is the healing wound. In fact itching can be caused by a reaction to bacteria or viruses in the dust, which can lead to complications. . If itching persists or worse, you should see a doctor to see if the infection is widespread. No, no.
Myth 4: The seawater helps cleanse and cure wounds. We always heard that 
swimming in the sea can help our wound. Of course, salt in the sea can help get rid of bacteria and bacteria, but the sea is not clean. Remember, when you swim your wound, the wound can touch the dirt and bacteria that cause swelling around. Wound.
False faith 5: It is best to expose your wound to the wind. In general, there is often a difference between the discharge of the face and the masking of the wound. But the reality is that keeping the wound completely free of air can cause dry skin cells and may slow the healing process. The healthcare provider recommends applying ointment to moisturize the blood vessels to heal and cut. Reduce inflammation.
Mistaken faith 6: No need to care about small wounds. Small wounds can not look bad, and even scars can not be seen. But just a small wound on your skin is a big hole for bacteria and viruses! To prevent smallpox from leading to major complications, apply a medicine containing oil on the wound to cover small holes. That will help the cells cure!
Did you learn something new today? And are you interested in learning more? Click Like and Watch our Facebook page here . By co-operation